How to Add Human Touch to AI-Generated Content Using AI

How to Add Human Touch to AI-Generated Content Using AI


We live in an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we create and consume content. AI-generated content, once a distant dream, is now a reality that's reshaping industries like marketing, journalism, and even scriptwriting! But what exactly is AI-generated content? And why should we care about adding a human touch or as some put it "humanizing AI-generated content" to it?

You see, AI-generated content refers to text, audio, video or any other form of content that's autonomously created by AI algorithms. It’s efficient, scalable and often highly accurate. But there's one thing it typically lacks: a human touch.

As we get into 2024, we find ourselves surrounded by content made by AI everywhere online. To really stand out among this digital flood, adding that unique human element has become more and more important.

So why does the lack of a human touch matter? It matters because humans crave connection. We’re social beings who appreciate genuine interaction - be it with another person or with the words on a screen.

Adding a human touch to AI-generated content allows us to bridge the gap between cold, impersonal algorithms and warm human interaction. It infuses empathy into the binary world of zeros and ones.

Have you ever read an article that made you feel understood? Or watched a video that moved you emotionally? That’s the power of the human touch. It makes the audience feel seen, heard and valued.

Now you might wonder, how to humanize AI generated content? What are the benefits of doing so? Well, there are quite a few:

  1. Increased Engagement: Humanized content resonates more with readers leading to higher engagement.
  2. Improved Trust: Content that mirrors human-like qualities builds trust with the audience.
  3. Enhanced Brand Image: Brands that master the art of adding a human touch to their AI-generated content are often perceived as more empathetic and customer-centric.
  4. Avoid Penalties from Search Engines: With Google's recent helpful content update, the importance of creating content for humans is now more than ever. Overly robotickeyword-stuffed content can result in penalties, lower ranking in search results, and massive traffic loss. Humanizing your AI-generated content can help circumvent such repercussions.
  5. Boosted Sales: It goes without saying that a customer is more likely to purchase from a brand they feel connected to. By humanizing your AI content, you can build this connection and potentially see an increase in conversion rates.
  6. Inspiring Loyalty: As customers feel heard and valued, they're likely to develop a sense of loyalty towards your brand. This can lead to reduced churn and long-term customer relationships.

Remember when Siri first came out? People loved her not just because she was functional but because she had personality! She joked around, she understood context - in short, she felt human.

That's what we're aiming for when we talk about adding a human touch or humanizing AI-generated content - making our audience feel like they're interacting with a fellow human rather than a machine.

In the following sections, we will:

  1. Explore how to humanize AI content and precisely achieve this "Siri effect" across various industries using AI itself.
  2. Debunk common myths that suggest AI cannot generate human-like content.

Let's dive in!

1. Understanding Your Target Audience and Their Pain Points

Unlock an irresistible connection with your audience through AI-generated content, crafted with a laser-focus on your target demographic. Dive deep into their identity, interests, fears, dreams, and roadblocks. Ask yourself: How can your content solve their problems?

For instance, imagine you're writing content specifically for first-time entrepreneurs or startup founders. These individuals often struggle with marketing; they either lack the necessary skills or have no idea where to start. They don't have time for irrelevant details - they're looking for practical advice that delivers real results. To create relevant and humanised AI-generated content, you need to understand their unique challenges:

  1. Are they short on time?
  2. Have they tried multiple marketing methods without success, leading to frustration and resignation?
  3. Have they been misled by poor advice?

Use this insight to guide your AI's content creation. The result will be more relevant and focused articles that meet their specific needs.